Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids


Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids are generally used as emulsifiers.  Basically, that means they can be used to combine oil and water.  Often this is very useful in food applications.


picture of ingredient list containing Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids

An acetylated monoglyceride is an emulsifier in which acetic acid is bound with monoglyceride.  Although there is little emulsifying activity, there are many characteristics and applications:

The combination of liquid acetylated monoglyceride and hydrogenated fats can improve the quality of fats, for example, margarine characterized with small temperature changes and wide plasticizing range, can be produced with them.

Acetylated monoglyceride can be used as protective coating for meat products, nuts and fruits to improve their appearance, texture and shelf life.

Foods Containing Mono and Diglycerides:

Processed foods (especially baked goods) are the main source of mono and diglycerides.  Bread, crackers, flour tortillas and other baked items often contain them.   Other products include peanut butter, and ice cream . Basically, any food product that combines water and oil and sells for less than others.

They are also found in dry-mix whipped topping and coffee creamers.

Side Effects / Health Issues:

I have not been able to find any research that indicates there might be health issues from consuming mono- or di-glycerides.

However, some manufacturing processes may use animal fat to produce these additives.  Therefore, some vegetarians may want to avoid them.

E Number:

There is actually a family of E numbers associated with these additives:

  • 472a acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • 472b lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • 472c citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • 472d tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • 472e diacetyltartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids
  • 472f mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids

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1 Comment on “Mono and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids

  1. How do you use or apply the mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids additives to the production of groundnut paste.

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